Kategorie: Knowledge Management

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow

    This is a solid book by noble prize winner Daniel Kahnemann. It brings together the findings of a career researching the fundamentals of rational behavior. The key idea is that our brain is wired in two fundamentally different ways: it shoots fast answers that are often wrong in a lot of ways. And we slowly…

  • On Bullshit

    On Bullshit

    This is just a 67 page booklet by philosophy emeritus professor Harry G. Frankfurt. As a German, I would have understood „bullshit“ differently, but these 67 pages made me wiser. My favorite quote from the booklet: „It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth – this indifference to how things really…

  • Building a Second Brain

    Building a Second Brain

    I understand myself as a knowledge worker. Getting lots of data, information and opinion and transforming it into other data, information and opinion. I consider myself advanced in several software packages and I have a lot of exchange with lots of colleagues on how they manage information. Still, this book was a game changer for…